Monday, January 4, 2010

January 2nd 2010

This was me trying out my new Christmas present. Not a great picture....but I love in the evenings seeing the sunset from our back deck.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

January 1st 2010

I was looking in a fellow blogger/friends Facebook page and saw the concept of taking a picture a day for a year. So being the web surfer I am I found this site- I decided that is something I would really love to I take pictures constantly.

On the first it was frigid here in western NC. Which is a bit unusual. My children begged me to "let them out"especially my daughter. She called me outside (I'm a wimp I was inside the house watching them from the window) to show me the sky. My first reaction was that I was disappointed that the power lines were there. After taking the picture though I think the lines really added something. Sometimes it takes a child's eyes to point out the extraordinary in the seemingly ordinary I think.

Here is January 1st 2010-